'Nava-' : 9, Nine
'-rasa' : emotion

Navarasa translates to '9 emotions'. But the Natyashastra only mentions 8 rasas and their presiding deities - Shringara, Hasya, Roudra, Karuna, Veera, Adbhutha, Bheebhatsa, Bhayanaka. The 9th rasa, Shanta, was added by Abhinavgupta, a philosopher from 1000 AD.
Natyashastra only mentions 8 rasas and their presiding deities. The 9th rasa was added and established by authors much later.
Rasa is accompanied by Bhava and the two work together to become the complete emotion. Bhava is a state of mind and Rasa is a feeling that accompanies the state of mind. In dance terms, Rasa is what is experienced by the audience as a result of the dancer's Bhava.
Lets break it down:
1. Shringara : Love

The crown jewel of all emotions that removes ego and connects to devotional love. Realization that beauty is everywhere and always there to be loved. Arises from 'Rati' bhava, or feeling of happiness in passion, achievement, and fulfillment of desires.
2. Hasya : Laughter

Laughing at self or making others laugh. Arises from the 'Hasa' bhava, or funny behavior, amusement, disfigured gestures, and experiencing something out of the ordinary.
3. Roudra : Anger

Naturally connected with or related to the evil spirits. Caused by fights.
Arises from 'Krodha' bhava, or anger stimulated by insults, abuse, lies, provocation, cruelty, etc.
4. Karuna : Compassion

Empathy. Understanding another's sadness. Arises from 'Shoka' bhava, or sorrow from separation from dear ones, loss, panic, and misery.
5. Veera : Courageous

Strong and vibrant. Bravery, Heroism, and Fearlessness. Arises from 'Utsaha' bhava, or energy and determined unrelenting behavior.
6. Adbhutha : Wonder

Amazement, Surprise. Stimulated by the sight of the Divine and achieving desires. Arises from 'Vismaya' bhava, or astonishment.
7. Bheebhatsa : Disgust

Experiencing something undesirable or unpleasant, completely withdrawn from the situation. Caused by events that are disturbing. Arises from 'Jugupsa' bhava, or aversion.
8. Bhayanaka : Fear

Stimulated by hearing or seeing dangerous sights, bad news, and sounds or objects. Having wronged the elders or royalty. Arises from 'Bhaya' bhava, or horror, shock, and uneasiness.
9. Shanta : Peace

Finding calmness within. Relaxed and free of wavering thoughts. *Since this is not part of the Natyashastra, it has no accompanying bhava.
Now let's get organized:

The classifications of the main human emotions allows one to identify the different ways to effectively convey feelings and relate to one another. These can also be used to help cope with real world events in times of happiness and sorrow.
Photography by The Kreative Photo based in Bay Area and Orange County, California.